29 research outputs found

    Impoliteness On Youtube Comments Towards Yusuf Mansur About Investment Scam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Perbedaan pengucapan Diphthong antara Joe Biden dan Boris Johnson pada Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang ujaran kebencian di depan umum yang umum digunakan oleh masyarakat. Akibatnya muncul persoalan, yakni mengenali jenis-jenis ketidaksopanan, jenis-jenis yang paling umum digunakan, dan bagaimana hal itu dimanifestasikan dalam komentar yang dibuat kepada Yusuf Mansur di siaran YouTube. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Culpeper dan metodologi kualitatif. Setelah dilakukan investigasi, ditemukan bahwa Kesantunan Negatif paling banyak terjadi dengan data 52 (52%), Kesantunan Serkas/Mock dengan data 17 (17%), dan Ketidaksantunan Positif dengan data 16 (16%). Ketidaksantunan Botak di Rekam (15%) Komentar dalam penelitian ini cenderung memberikan ketidaksantunan Negatif kepada pendengar dan tidak mempertimbangkan dampak yang diterima pendengar karena ketidaksantunan semacam ini merupakan ketidaksantunan negatif


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    The writer did a research of fifth semester English department students at Faculty of Art and  Nommensen HKBP University Medan. This research entitled : Morphological Error Analysis on Word Classes Found in  Students’  Descriptive Writing of The Fifth Semester English Department at Nommensen HKBP University (NHU)- Medan The writer asked the students to write a descriptive text. When they did the test, they felt confuse to write words with correct morphology. The result of the analysis was found that they knew about morphology, but they are confused to apply that. After they finished to write a descriptive text, the writer analyzed them. The writer underlined and classified the errors into four word classes on Morphological error. There are four word classes of morphological Errors, they are noun morphological errors, verb morphological errors, adjective morphological errors and adverb morphological errors . The result of the analysis, the writer concluded that there are four word classes was found by the writer, namely noun morphological errors, verb morphological errors, adjective morphological errors, and adverb morphological error. The data of morphological erors are found 154 errors. The percentage of errors in noun morphological was 52 errors i.e, 33,8%, errors of verb morphological was 91 errors or, 59,0%, errors of adjective morphological was 7 errors i.e, 4.6%, and error of adverb morphological was 4 errors i.e, 2.6%. The result of the analysis was found that the students knew about morphology but  they are still confused to write words based on the correct morphology, so they made the errors. Looking at  the percentage it shows verb morphological was 91 errors or  59,0%, of 154 errors, it means that verb is mostly used in a text, to express the ideas or activities .   Key words : Morphological Error , Word Classes , Descriptive Writing &nbsp


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    The writer did a research of fifth semester English department students at Faculty of Art and  Nommensen HKBP University Medan. This research entitled : Morphological Error Analysis on Word Classes Found in  Students’  Descriptive Writing of The Fifth Semester English Department at Nommensen HKBP University (NHU)- Medan The writer asked the students to write a descriptive text. When they did the test, they felt confuse to write words with correct morphology. The result of the analysis was found that they knew about morphology, but they are confused to apply that. After they finished to write a descriptive text, the writer analyzed them. The writer underlined and classified the errors into four word classes on Morphological error. There are four word classes of morphological Errors, they are noun morphological errors, verb morphological errors, adjective morphological errors and adverb morphological errors . The result of the analysis, the writer concluded that there are four word classes was found by the writer, namely noun morphological errors, verb morphological errors, adjective morphological errors, and adverb morphological error. The data of morphological erors are found 154 errors. The percentage of errors in noun morphological was 52 errors i.e, 33,8%, errors of verb morphological was 91 errors or, 59,0%, errors of adjective morphological was 7 errors i.e, 4.6%, and error of adverb morphological was 4 errors i.e, 2.6%. The result of the analysis was found that the students knew about morphology but  they are still confused to write words based on the correct morphology, so they made the errors. Looking at  the percentage it shows verb morphological was 91 errors or  59,0%, of 154 errors, it means that verb is mostly used in a text, to express the ideas or activities .   Key words : Morphological Error , Word Classes , Descriptive Writing &nbsp

    An Analyse Of The Language Functions Of Donald Trump’s Victory And Farewell Speeches On Youtube

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis fungsi bahasa yang disapa oleh Donald Trump untuk mengetahui fungsi bahasa yang digunakan dan jenis-jenis fungsi bahasa yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam Pidato Kemenangan dan Perpisahan Donald Trump. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa transkrip pidato Victory and Farewell Donald Trump dengan menggunakan software (YouTube). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada enam fungsi bahasa menurut Roman Jakobson, yaitu Fungsi Referensial, Fungsi Metalingual, Fungsi Fatik, Fungsi Puisi, Fungsi Emosi, dan Fungsi Konatif. Setelah melakukan penelitian ini, penulis menemukan 6 fungsi bahasa dari pidato Kemenangan Donald Trump dan 6 fungsi bahasa dari Pidato Perpisahan Donald Trump di YouTube. dari 6 fungsi bahasa jenis yang paling dominan atau paling dominan dari Victory Speech adalah Fungsi Konatif 40%, fungsi bahasa kedua yang sering muncul adalah Fungsi Emotif sebanyak 38%, ketiga Fungsi Referensial sebanyak 14%, keempat adalah Fungsi Puitis sebanyak 8%, kelima adalah Fungsi Fatis sebanyak 4%, dan keenam Fungsi Metalingual sebanyak 2%. Dan Pidato Perpisahan yang paling dominan adalah Fungsi Emotive 46%, fungsi bahasa kedua Fungsi Konatif sebanyak 26%, ketiga Fungsi Referensial sebanyak 14%, keempat Fungsi Poetic sebanyak 6 % seperlima adalah Fungsi Metalingual 4%, dan Fungsi Fatik keenam sebanyak 4%. Sehingga dalam Pidato Kemenangannya Donald Trump lebih banyak menggunakan Conative Function untuk mengajak masyarakat Amerika untuk bekerjasama dengannya, sedangkan dalam Farewell Speech Donald Trump lebih banyak menggunakan Emotive Function untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang kerja kerasnya selama menjabat sebagai presiden Amerika

    Impoliteness Strategies on Anies Baswedan's Twitter Comments

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis komentar tidak sopan dari netizen pada akun twitter Anies Baswedan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ketidaksopanan yang dominan. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori strategi ketidaksopanan yang dikemukakan oleh Culpeper (1996). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil dari 108 komentar netizen yang ditemukan di twitter Anies Baswedan dari November 2021 hingga Januari 2022 yang berisi strategi ketidaksopanan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis ketidaksantunan strategis yang digunakan oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta adalah (1) ketidaksantunan langsung, (2) ketidaksantunan positif, (3) ketidaksantunan negatif, (4) kesantunan sarkasme atau pura-pura. Sedangkan (5) Menahan kesantunan tidak ditemukan pada komentar netizen di akun twitter Anies Baswedan. Ketidaksantunan negatif terdapat 40 tweet atau 37.0% yang menjadi tipe paling dominan. Kemudian, peringkat kedua adalah ketidaksopanan positif yang berisi 34 tweet atau 31.4%. Selanjutnya, ketidaksopanan botak pada catatan berisi 18 tweet atau 16.6%. Terakhir adalah sarkasme atau kesopanan pura-pura, hanya ada 16 tweet atau 14.8%. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa netizen cenderung menggunakan ketidaksopanan negatif karena kata-kata yang merendahkan, mengejek, mengejek, meremehkan Anies Baswedan

    The Effect of Using Comic in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text at the Tenth Grade of SMA Methodist Berastagi

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    Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan komik dalam pengajaran teks deskriptif. penelitian ini dilakukan dalam desain eksperimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Methodist Berastagi. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah empat puluh siswa kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua kelompok secara acak yaitu Kelompok Eksperimen dan Kelompok Kontrol. Kelompok Eksperimen diajar dengan menggunakan komik. Komik merupakan media pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk membuat siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran bahasa dengan memberikan materi dan siswa memecahkannya dengan cara dipresentasikan. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa tes teks deskriptif tertulis. perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (6,00) lebih tinggi dari t-tabel (2,024) pada tingkat pengaruh signifikan penggunaan komik dalam teks deskriptif menulis siswa. Jadi, disarankan bagi Guru untuk menggunakan komik dalam pengajaran menulis teks Deskriptif


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    Oxidative stress caused by free radicals can trigger various dangerous diseases, such as cancer, degenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease, and others. Substances that can counteract or prevent these free radicals are antioxidants which are said to have therapeutic value against these diseases. The plant that will be used in this study is Rambusa stem (Passiflora foetida L.) which is useful as a medicine to treat bones, anemia, cancer, lower blood pressure, kidney disorders, and relieve stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the secondary metabolites found in Rambusa stems, and determine the strength of the antioxidant activity of Rambusa stems in trapping free radicals (DPPH). The extraction method was carried out by maceration using 96% ethanol solvent, phytochemical screening included examination of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and steroids/triterpenoids. The method used to test the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of Rambusa stem is the DPPH free radical scavenging method, and the determination of total flavonoid and total phenol levels was carried out by experimental collection and sample processing using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The results of phytochemical screening showed that the ethanol extract of the Rambusa stem contained flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and steroids/triterpenoids. DPPH shows that the ethanol extract of the Rambusa stem has an average IC50 value of 267.974% categorized as very weak. The ethanol extract of the Rambusa stem has an average total flavonoid content of 51.76283 mg QE/g and an average total phenol content of 19.3197296 mg GAE/g

    Error Analysis of Students’ Pronunciation in Pronouncing English Vowels And Consonants

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    This final project is a study about Error Analysis Of Students’ Pronunciation in Pronouncing English Vowels And Consonants of SMK Swasta Harapan Baru Medan in the Academic Year 2023/2024. (A case Study of the Eleventh Grade of SMK Swasta Harapan Baru Medan in the Academic Year 2023/2024). Most of the students may have problems to pronounce English vowels and consonants, although they get an English subject in their school and they can not master the English pronunciation well. Therefore, the students often make problem. This study was conducted under the consideration that pronouncing English vowels plays an important role. The problems of this study are what kinds of problem the students make in pronouncing English vowels and why these problem happen/occur. The purposes of the study are to find out kinds of problem made by students in pronouncing English vowels and consonants and to find out the factors why these problem happen/occur. The population of this study was the Eleventh grade of SMK Swasta Harapan Baru Medan in the Academic year of 2023/2024. Before the test doing the test, the writer observed the condition of the classroom during the language learning process. The writer wants to know the way how teacher explains the material and what the students are doing during the lesson. The instrument used by the writer in this final tape recorder which were used to record the students’ pronunciation. In analyzing the data, error analysis was used in which there were three steps: transcribing the students’ pronunciation into the phonetic transcriptions, problem in pronouncing English short vowels, problem in pronouncing English long vowels. Finally, the result of the analysis shows that students are considered “Enough” in pronouncing English vowels and consonants


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    Sosialisasi Anti Perundungan (Antibullying) Pada SMA Advent Laurakit Kaban Jaheini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman warga sekolah khususnya siswa-siswi tentang bullying. Kegiatan Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh mitra mengingat maraknya dan terus meningkatnya jumlah kasus korban bullying setiap tahunnya. Melalui kegiatan Sosialisasi ini mitra diberikakan sosialisasi tentang bullying serta dampak negatif dari perbuatan bullying terhadap korban. Kegiatan Sosialisasi ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pada tahap perencanaan dilakukan analisis kebutuhan mitra diperolah informasi tentang masalah-masalah yang dihadapi mitra serta kebutuhannya terkait dengan pemahaman mitra tentang perundungan atau bullying. Pada tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan pre-test untuk mengukur kemapuan awal mitra, kemudian nara sumber melakukan brainstorming sebelum memberi penjelasan materi tentang metode perundungan atau bullying. Diakhir penjelasan peserta sosialisasi diberi penguatan serta dilakukan umpan balik tentang pemahaman peserta terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan. Untuk mengukur pemahaman mitra terhadap hasil sosialisasi mitra diberikan soal post-test yang berkaitan dengan materi Sosialisasi dengan hasil terdapat peningkatan nilai post-test dengan nilai peningkatan 36% sehingga dapat disimpukan bahwa hasil Sosialisasi ini secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mitra tentang perundungan atau bullying. Dari hasil tanggapan mitra juga diperoleh 88% mitra merasa puas dan ingin kembali dilibatkan pada kegiatan sejenis dimasa yang akan datang. Kata Kunci: Sosialisasi Anti Perundungan (Anti-bullying), perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi, pemahaman mitra tentang perundungan.   ABSTRACT This Community Service activity aims to increase the understanding of teachers as well as students of SMA Lau Rakit Kaban Jahe. This activity was very much beneficial to the  partnersdue to the increasing number of bullying victims cases every year. The activity was conducted in the form of socialization. Partners were given material about bullying and the negative impact of it as well. This activity was divided into three stages, as there were planning, implementation and evaluation. On the planning stage, an analysis of partner needs was carried out to obtain the information related to the problems faced by partners as well as their needs related to the understanding of bullying. On the implementation stage, a pre-test was carried out to measure the partners' pre-understanding. The next step the partners were brainstormed before giving the material explaination. At the end of the explanation, the participants were given reinforcement and feedback of their understanding, even the program of antibullying should be sustainable specifically at schools. Post-test was conducted at the end of the session to measure the result of the presentation.The results showed that the partners’ understanding was increased of 36% compared with the pre-tes. From the results of partner’s responses, it was found that 88% of partners were satisfied and wanted to be involved again in similar activities in the future. Keywords: Socialization, Anti-bullying, planning, implementation and evaluation, sustainable action of antibullyin

    An Analyisis Of Students’ Difficulties In Listening Comprehension At Class XI Mipa 2 Of Sma Swasta Pembda 1 Gunungsitoli In 2023/2024 Academic Year

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    One of the key skills in the educational process of learning English is listening comprehension skill. Despite its significance in English learning, most students find it difficult to master when practicing listening comprehension. This research aims to analyze the difficulties that students most frequently encounter with listening comprehension particularly at class XI MIPA 2 SMA Swasta Pembda 1 Gunungsitoli in 2023/2024 academic year. The research approach used in this research was descriptive qualitative. 36 students of class XI MIPA 2 were chosen as samples using the cluster sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to gather the data. All students in the class received the questionnaire from the researcher. The research findings demonstrated that the listening material, the listener, and the physical setting were all related to the difficulties the students faced in comprehending what they were listenin